You’re here, you’re queer, you want therapy.

It actually happened.

Jamie* was a lesbian with social anxiety. She told her doctor about her symptoms, and he referred her to a therapist.

That therapist made a disparaging remark when she mentioned her girlfriend at their first and only session. He made her feel different and less-than.

It was in 2016, not the ’50s.

Jamie’s heart still pounded at even anticipating some social interactions. She still had thoughts racing a mile-a-minute covering everything from the grocery list to an embarrassing interaction she’d had months ago.

She still wanted to go to therapy – because she didn’t want to live this way anymore.

But she couldn’t return to a therapist she didn’t feel comfortable with.

So, Jamie came to me.

We worked on her anxiety. I helped her challenge her negative thoughts, learn coping skills, and encouraged self-care to support her overall well-being. Standard therapy stuff.

And I was just able to do it without putting my foot in my mouth when we talked about her girlfriend or her social insecurities based on homophobia.

*Partially fictionalized to maintain client confidentiality.

In 2016, I worked at The LGBT Center OC.

It is sadly still common to encounter healthcare professionals who don’t understand issues facing the LGBTQ community or don’t ‘agree’ with helping queer people.

When I worked at The center about 90% of my clients were part of the LGBTQ community, and over a third were trans.

All are welcome

Whether you’re coming out, struggling with a part of your life, or are questioning what’s up with your gender or sexuality, it makes a big difference to have an affirming therapist.

I’ve got experience working in the LGBTQ community. I won’t be scandalized by what’s happening on Grindr. I’m cool as a cucumber talking about sex and genitals of all kinds. I am very aware of the discrimination that is still rampant in our society and the havoc it wreaks on a person’s mental health.

In short, you won’t have to explain all this stuff to me – I get it. So, we can spend our time focusing on you and not educating me on STP products and what poppers are.

Trans Services

Your journey

Being trans or transitioning is definitely a journey. And I can help you figure out where you are, where you want to go, and how you can get there.

Therapist letters.

Why can’t the doctor just take your freaking word for it? What other reason would someone want HRT, top, or bottom surgery?

They suck.

But many doctors still require them before moving forward with transition medical care.

I’m not a gate-keeper. I’m not going to make you jump through a bunch of hoops to ‘prove’ to me how trans you are.

I do need to have at least one session with you where we discuss what your experience with your sex and gender has been like to officially diagnose you with Gender Dysphoria.

As long as you meet criteria, I am ready and willing to write you an official Therapist Letter.

This letter will state that you need to get medical care to transition because that is the best ‘treatment’ for Gender Dysphoria. A lot of doctors and therapists don’t know that. Most therapists have never written a letter like this before, and many would feel unqualified to do so.

I am highly qualified to get you the documentation you need to start the journey to make your body the way it is supposed to be.

I am also experienced and more than happy to help you process and sort through all the stuff that comes up when you’re trans, transitioning, or wondering what’s up with your gender.

It’s not like this stuff comes with a handbook, and our society still gets its panties in a bunch when you challenge who wants to wear panties.

Call me today at (714) 584-9018.