
Feeling Unsatisfied?

Things aren’t going as well as you’d like.

People say therapy can help, but what can it actually DO to help you?

Everyone has times where they may not know exactly what they want, but they know the life they’re living is not it.

That je ne sais quoi is missing.

Or you may know exactly what you want but not know how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

I can help you identify what it is that you want in life but are missing.


The first step is you deciding you want to change.

Just making an appointment and coming in to see me gives you a special time and place carved out in your week to really give it some thought. That’s way more effective than just thinking, “I should really do something about this” but then going on with your day like most of us do.

Together, we’ll explore what isn’t working well in your life and come up with a plan to get you where you want to be. I’ll teach you new ways of coping, help with accountability, and do troubleshooting if the tools don’t seem to be working.

Overcoming Roadblocks

Sometimes people don’t understand why they feel a block on the path they want to take. I help you explore and work through those pesky feelings of resistance to change or doubt that it will work.

This is a common point for people to give up their plans of self-improvement or to just let them fade away. I will help you confront and change those sneaky, deep, or scary feelings or motivations.

Relationship Issues

Loving another person can be hard. Sharing your lives together, making joint decisions, and taking them into consideration every day is harder.

Have you ever been called clingy or afraid of commitment? Or have you found yourself falling into the same dynamic when in relationships? Fighting all the time, feeling like a victim, worried they don’t love you, or staying in a relationship even when you are treated poorly? Or running at the first sign of serious feelings?

I provide individual therapy for people who keep having unsatisfying relationships.

Romantic relationships bring up so much baggage for most people. Things that wouldn’t bother you in a friend, even a very close friend, are suddenly the end of the world in a partner.

I help you figure out what your patterns are and help you replace them with healthy ones.

You can stop wondering if you’ll end up alone or unhappily paired and do something about it.

Call me today at (714) 584-9018.

Take back control of your life.